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Rights Issue

Rights Entitlement Letter
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Rights Issue Abridged Letter of Offer
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Rights Issue CAF
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Rights Issue FAQs
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Letter of Offer Rights Issue
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Restated Consolidated Financials
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Restated Consolidated Financials 31-03-2023
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Material contracts and documents for Inspection

Annual Reports of past 3 years

Annual Report-2019-20
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Annual Report-2020-21
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Annual Report-2021-22
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Consent letter of Lead Managers

GYR capital Advisors
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Saffron Capital Advisors Private Limited
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Consent of Directors

Mr A L Suri
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Mr Ganapathi
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Mr Krishnakumar
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Mr Rangachary
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Mr Shivaraman
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Mr Sundararajan
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Ms Chandra Ramesh
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Consent of Legal Advisors

TS Law - Engagement Letter
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Consent of Monitoring Agency

CARE Ratings Limited
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Consent of Registrar to the Issue

Cameo Corporate Services Limited
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Cameo_SEBI Registration Certificate
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Statutory Auditor Consent

Consent Letter From GD Apte & Co
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Consent from CFO
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Consent from Company secretary & Compliance Officer
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Tripartite Agreement

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Board Resolution Rights Issue
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Examination Reports of Statutory Auditor on RCFS
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Limited Review Report for the quarter ended June 30, 2022
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Monetary Agency Agreement
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OGPL Prospectus for ROC
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RTA agreement
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Special tax benefits
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Extracts of rights issue committee

Extracts of rights issue committee
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Statement of Deviation of Rights Issue Proceeds

Statement of Deviation 31.03.2024
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Statement of Deviation 30.09.2023
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Statement of Deviation 31.12.2023
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Monitoring Agency Report

Monitoring Agency Report 31.03.2024
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Montoring Agency Report 30.09.2023
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Monitoring Agency Report 31.12.2023
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DLOF dated May 15 2024
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DLOF dated February 02 2024
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Material Contracts for the Issue

Issue Agreement dated February 2, 2024 entered into between our Company and the Lead Managers
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Registrar Agreement dated January 24, 2024 entered into amongst our Company and the Registrar to the Issue
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Material Documents

Certified copies of the updated Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
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Annual Reports of the Company -2020-21
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Annual Reports of the Company -2021-22
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Annual Reports of the Company -2022-23
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Certificate of incorporation dated December 6, 2006
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Certificate of commencement of business dated January 18, 2007
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Prospectus dated September 29, 2010 filed with SEBI, Stock Exchanges, RoC and other regulatory authorities
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Draft Letter of offer dated September 7, 2022
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Letter of Offer dated August 10, 2023
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Resolution of the Board of Directors dated December 15, 2023
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Rights Issue Committee resolution dated 02.02.2024
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The examination reports dated July 27, 2023 of the Statutory Auditor
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Statement of Tax Benefits dated February 2, 2024 from the Statutory Auditor included in this Draft Letter
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Tripartite Agreement dated April 6, 2010 between our Company, NSDL and the Registrar to the Issue
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Tripartite Agreement dated April 12, 2010 between our Company, CSDL and the Registrar to the Issue
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Consent - CFO
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Consent - Compliance Officer
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Consent - Independent Chartered Engineer
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Consent - Registrat to the Issue
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Consent - Statutory Auditor
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Consent from Comapny Secretary and Compliance Officer
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Consent from Registrar to the Issue
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Consent from the Chief Financial Officer
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Consent from the Lead Managers - Saffron
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Consent from the Lead Managers - Sumedha
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Director - MR. P Krishna kumar
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Director - Mr. R Ganapathi
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Director - Mr. Sripathi
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Director - Mr. T Shivaraman
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Director - Ms. Chandra Ramesh
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Director Ms. S M Swathi
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Saffron - Consent
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Sumedha - Consent
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Our Vision :
To maintain and enhance a diversified portfolio of renewable energy-based power projects with attractive returns.
Our Mission :
To make a significant and lasting contribution to the environment and to achieve sustainable development.